Over 30,000 farmers in Rwanda to benefit from OCP School Lab Project

In partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture, Rwanda Agriculture and Animal Resources Board and in coordination with USAID and CNFA, the Rwanda Fertilizer Company, launches the OCP School Lab project in Rwanda. This innovative collaboration with specialised partners, aims at offering interactive training on good agricultural practices, adapted to specific crops in the beneficiary regions.


This article was produced with the support of OCP

On May 18th 2023, lead farmers from several districts attended the official launching in Murindi of OCP SCHOOL LAB to experience high technology for fertilizer recommendations based on soil, yield target and crop nutrition. They have actively interacted with experts and benefited from knowledge that will make their farming experience improve.

RFC launches the project among farmers in 14 districts, namely Musanze, Burera, Gicumbi, Nyabihu, Rubavu, Nyamagabe & Nyaruguru for Irish Potato farmers and Nyagatare, Gatsibo, Kirehe, Kayonza, Bugesera, Nyanza & Gisagara for Maize farmers. Thanks to its partner HORECO, RFC provides farmers with one-on-one advice on interventions and crop nutrition recommendations for Irish potato and maize to improve their farming practices and enhance yields and livelihoods.

OCP School Lab in Rwanda

OCP School Lab campaign in Rwanda will run through 140 villages to reach 30.000 farmers who will be benefiting from a training on good agricultural practices during 12 months. This project will also provide fertilizer recommendations to 5.000 farmers by using dry chemistry by spectrometry, an easy-to-use, innovative technology that can provide nutrient recommendations for individual farmers’ fields.

OCP School Lab in Africa

Since 2016, more than 770.000 farmers in 9 African countries have benefited from OCP School Labs, namely in Nigeria, Togo, Ghana, Guinea, Côte d’Ivoire, Kenya, Burkina Faso, Senegal & Tanzania.
The program is now a powerful tool designed to develop African agriculture as a whole and help farmers to improve their productivity by offering them a wide range of services from demonstrations and interactive training sessions on good agricultural practices to agronomy advice and fertilizer recommendation.