The AfDB’s Hi5: the priorities that shape the bank

AfDB’s "High 5" initiatives are designed to accelerate Africa’s development across five key areas: energy, agriculture, industrialisation, integration, and quality of life.


These priorities align with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and have had a profound impact on Africa’s socio-economic growth.

Light Up and Power Africa aims to solve Africa’s energy crisis by expanding access to affordable, reliable, and sustainable electricity. Since its launch, the AfDB has made significant strides, including financing renewable energy projects such as Morocco’s Noor Solar Complex, and improving rural electrification across several countries. This initiative has contributed to increased productivity, improved healthcare, and enhanced education in underserved communities​.

Feed Africa targets food security and aims to eliminate hunger by enhancing agricultural productivity. AfDB has invested in irrigation, improved farming techniques, and value chains for agricultural products like cassava and cocoa. These efforts have helped lift millions of smallholder farmers out of poverty while promoting food sovereignty.

Industrialise Africa focuses on transforming Africa’s economies through manufacturing and industrial development. The AfDB supports infrastructure development, access to finance for small and medium enterprises (SMEs), and policy reforms. This has accelerated the growth of industries like agribusiness, textile, and energy, creating jobs and enhancing economic diversification​

Integrate Africa promotes regional integration by developing cross-border infrastructure, transport corridors, and trade facilitation. By financing projects like the East African Standard Gauge Railway, the AfDB has helped improve connectivity, reduce trade barriers, and enhance economic cooperation between African nations.

Improve the Quality of Life for the People of Africa addresses social issues such as education, healthcare, water, and sanitation. AfDB’s projects, such as the Ntoum 7 water project in Gabon, have improved access to clean water, while digital health platforms like DataPathology in Morocco are revolutionising healthcare access.These “High 5” initiatives are transforming Africa, creating sustainable economic growth and improving the lives of millions.

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